General Election Ballot Recommendations

President of the U.S: Donald Trump-   Easiest decision on ballot, right? 12 million+ illegals, including criminals w/drugs given free pass to every city in America; Prices of everything 30-40% higher; Crime both small and large crushing the system; lack of respect for the U.S., especially lack of fear from our enemies – China, Russia, Iran, N. Korea; I could go on… If you know a good reason NOT to vote for Trump & let Kamala Harris get sworn in Jan 20– please let me know ! Yes, we want ‘the good ol’ days’–

U.S. Senate: Steve Garvey- We’ve got this ONE chance to elect a new Calif US Senator–& if Calif voters elect a Republican who switches control of the Senate from Dem to GOP – we’ll see more paved freeways, Constitution-respecting Calif federal judges appointed, water storage/dams, etc– let’s elect a Calif Senator who will have the distinction of saving the U.S. Senate from suffering with Adam Schiff in their midst .No one’s perfect, but Adam Schiff gives the word ‘menace’ a new distinction.

Congressional and Legislative

Congressional District #20: Vince Fong – Sworn in to Congress last June; now on his way to help lead the new Congress next Jan 2025 to restore America’s financial and domestic security, international respect.

We’re going to be proud as this young Congressman advances–Re-elect Vince Fong to Congress.

Congressional District #22: David Valadao – A vote for him helps retain the House GOP majority. His opponent, Rudy Salas, can’t handle the job.

State Assembly #32: Ken Weir – Be careful here. The Sec of State also put Cong. Fong’s name on this ballot for Assembly – even though Vince has his new job as our Congressman! Fong doesn’t want the Assembly job, but GOP Councilman & CPA Ken Weir does! Vince Fong and Shannon Grove endorse Ken Weir Vote Weir for Assembly.

State Assembly #35: Robert Rosas – Small businessman, skilled electrician– & the word ‘skilled’ is seldom used in the same sentence describing most of the State Assembly.

Kern County Supervisor

Kern County Supervisor Dist #2: No recommendation.. Former Bakersfield Councilman Chris Parlier had a choice in 2022 to vote for a fair redrawing of Bakersfield council seats OR cast the winning vote (as Parlier did) for Dolores Huerta/UFW/ACLU’s gerrymander of our council districts, creating a far Left council majority; The others? None impress me.. But in 18 months we’ll have the election for the full 4 -year term with an excellent candidate. In the interim, 3 of the 5 Supervisors are strong conservatives so we’ll be ok.

Kern County Supervisor Dist #5: Leticia Perez (Incumbent); Kimberly R. Salas (Assemblymember’s District Director) / No recommendation here.

School Boards

Kern Community College #4: Danny Diaz We need some independent thinkers on this board who take a hard look at the teaching caliber and administrators at these colleges. Diaz is all about education to advance our young people. (and yes, he’s a mini-celeb as featured in the movie ‘McFarland’)

Kern Community College  #7: Kay Meek (Incumbent) She’s been a long-time board member who seeks to ensure tough academic standards along with new school facilities to help guide the next generation.

Bakersfield City Schools Board of Edu #1: Michael Eggert This board seriously needs a different set of trustees. Eggert will push hard to bring these schools’ test scores up, and they need to go way, way up.

Kern Co. Board of Edu #1: Julie Beechinar Deserves support for a full term.

Board of Education #6: Daniel R. Giordano. Strong advocate for students; supports charter schools.

Kern High School #2: Steve Rodrigue Focused on student achievement towards college goals as well as vocational; has established stronger security and safety systems in our schools.

Panama School Board: Bryan Easter  Parents need Bryan to continue his leadership as an activist for increased student achievement . Opponent is a major union activist for the CTA – No thanks.

Bakersfield City Council

Bakersfield City Council Ward 2: Nope, –no endorsement and not just because they aren’t Republican. We have to do better …Need council leadership with business-smarts.

But …here’s good news for our council -two strong advocates for our city’s future–

Bakersfield City Council Ward 5: Mike Madrigal This candidate is the real deal – Mike started as a teenager, stayed with the same company for the next 15 years (other than military deployments) & today is general mgr of their multi-million dollar budget; Plus: Silver Star/ Purple Heart-decorated US Marine with service in Afghanistan & Iraq, Mike’s an example of the American dream & will bring Council’s attention to SW/NW streets/hwys, retail/residential areas; no living on streets and faster police attention as needed. Congressman Vince Fong supports Mike. Update: Endorsed by Kern Co Republican Party.

Bakersfield City Council Ward 6: Zack Bashirtash. The distinction with his 3 opponents couldn’t be more clear. – the others focused on govt unions – pay, benefits, & pensions that the rest of the people in our town don’t enjoy. Zack will put the brakes on Council spending on the latest fad whether it’s ‘diversity, equity’, green geometrical painting on streets, narrowed street lanes etc. Supported by Shannon Grove & Vince Fong, Zack’s a businessman, appointed city planning commissioner, and along with Mike Madrigal (above) will call attention to multi- millions in runaway spending of the last 2 years by this council’s left- wing majority. Update: Endorsed by Kern Co Republican Party.

Delano City Council (vote for 3)

Joe Alindajao / David Vivas /May ZetinaVote for these 3. Strong leadership by Mayor Joe Alindajao has brought results – no homicides; more surveillance cameras, license plate readers; and more retail and jobs; Delano is now 8th fastest growing city in Calif: Give Mayor Joe more support on the council by also electing Rev. Vivas and May Zetina.

Shafter City Council (vote for 3)

Pete Espinoza / Chad Givens / Gilbert Alvarado- This proud rural town produces some of the best city leadership; these 3 gentlemen continue to impress . Respected, committed and available to the community – 3 of the reasons Shafter thrives. All deserve re-election.

Statewide Ballot Measures

(FYI- Lower-numbered measures are reserved for ones submitted by the Legislature; – higher numbers reserved for citizen/ organizations’ propositions. That makes it easier to figure which to vote for or against!)

–Definition of a ‘bond’- whenever you see a ‘bond proposal’, both statewide & local, think of it this way“Bonds mean more spending and taxation on things that should be budgeted for in the regular budget.”

For example, a $10 Billion bond will cost taxpayers $ 18 Billion when repaid with interest.

It’s a govt credit card with interest payments– it is NOT free spending.

Propositions 2: NO How about the Legislature builds and upgrades our schools without this $10 Billion ‘bond’ paid for over 30 years… and that’s paid for by YOUR tax dollars.

Proposition 3: NO Legislature wants to amend Calif Constitution on marriage even though it makes no change in who can marry. Leave the Constitution alone.

Proposition 4: NO Legislators want another $10 Bill using words like for ‘clean water, wildfire protection’ but the rest of the text is loaded with their scams to ‘fight’ climate change! (Hey, my birthday is in August – how about you folks ‘change the climate’ that month?!)

Proposition 5: NO Again, Sacramento politicians want to make it EASIER to pass even more local bonds by lowering the YES vote to 55% from 67%. We’re not stupid – if there’s ONE issue that should be tougher to pass, it’s passing new bonds i.e. taxes.

Proposition 6: NO This says no mandatory work requirements for prisoners in our prison system. I don’t know about you, my kids didn’t break the law (that I know of) and they had ‘mandatory work requirements.’

Proposition 32: NO Raises minimum wage automatically every year – don’t you love how the people who employ NO ONE at their own expense/risk keep telling employers who take the risk what to pay theirs?

Proposition 33: NO This NO vote keeps intact a law that limits how much local politicians can institute severe rent control. Shouldn’t we discourage govt management of private rental apts and let the owners landlords go into the business of providing rental housing? Most of us, if not all, started out as renters.

Proposition 34: YES Seems this proposal is needed to curb avarice by corporate beneficiaries of government provided prescription drug discounts.

Proposition 35: – YES Ensures that tax revenue to fund Medi-Cal is used as specified and NOT used by the Legislature to fund new, unrelated programs.

Proposition 36: – YES Thanks to thousands of people who volunteered for months collecting signatures, this proposal brings back SOME sanity to our criminal ‘justice’ system –such as: you steal up to $ 950 – no free pass – to jail you go; traffic in drugs, or ‘smash and grab’– off you go to jail or state prison for a long time, not short in-and-out privileges. YES. YES.

Local Bonds

You got in the mail, as I did, your 2024-25 property tax bill. Mine shows 6 KCCD bonds (college) and 4 Kern

High bonds & they remain year after year. The Legislature should appropriate for students’ needs–including school facilities, not just teacher and administrators’ pay- to end these continuous local bonds. Their system isn’t working. I can’t support another bond until a Governor/Legislature address public education funding –

(On request, I can provide recommendations for candidates/ballot measures in some other cities/counties)